the cutest food ideas for kids EVER

The FREE collection of 8 irresistibly cute recipes that will turn snack and meal-time into the funnest (and tastiest) exercise for young and old

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Curious? Here’s a sampler…

cutest food ideas for kids - Raw Rocky Road

Raw Rocky Road

Time to dig into this healthy rocky road recipe that not only tastes the bomb but ticks all the boxes with young and old.

cutest food ideas for kids - Sweet Potato Falafel

Sweet Potato Falafel

The mega cute recipe that dishes up superfood goodness that’s certain to please tastebuds and fussy toddlers alike.

cutest food ideas for kids - Orange, Lemon and Mango Gummies

Orange, Lemon and Mango Gummies

Want to put an end to sugar-induced tantrums without sacrificing on taste? This healthy homemade fruit gummy recipe delivers the goods.

cutest food ideas for kids - Baby Kale and Cashew Pesto

Baby Kale and Cashew Pesto

Fall in love with this handy, freezable toddler meal that will save your sanity in those moments when the last thing you want to do is whip up something from scratch. 

Here’s what fellow cute-embracing kitchen adventurers have to say

Introducing CUTE into your snack and mealtime can be as easy as 1-2-3


Download your FREE Cutest Food Ideas for Kids Guide.


Pick your favourite recipe and start creating.


Watch your munchkin as they gobble up the goodness and ask for more.

Who are we?

We Might Be Tiny is a carefully road-tested and award-winning kids tableware range adored by clever families in 40+ countries

What makes us so loveable?

Every We Might Be Tiny product delivers on a promise.

A promise of style. Style that ticks the box for both the young and young-at-heart.
A promise of functionality. Functionality that makes your life that little bit easier.
A promise of eco-conscious living. A way of life that chooses silicone as the natural alternative to plastics.
A promise of confident self-feeding skills. Skills that nurture tiny munchkins into confident little kids.

Ready for CUTE to be the new normal in your kitchen?

Enter your details to get instant access to this FREE Cutest Food Ideas For Kids Guide.