Download our Frostie Icy Pole Recipes Guide


Summer is synonymous with sunscreen, water play, and, of course, icy poles! Nothing beats the heat like a delicious burst of chill on a stick!

Have fun together with your little ones creating combinations that will tantalise tastebuds and bring temperatures down. We guarantee the kids – and the big kids too – will love them even more than the not-so-healthy shop-bought kind.

Download our Frostie Icy Pole Recipes Guide

Includes a combination of both dairy and vegan recipes:

  • Tropical treat
  • Chocolate and Peanut Butter Cup
  • Walnut, Banana and Honeycomb
  • Strawberry Cheesecake
  • Mint Choc-Chip Delights
  • Mango Chia Pudding
  • Berry Bliss
  • Salted Caramel Cream
  • Yoghurt Tutti Frutti

Perfect for your next play date, party, backyard BBQ - or even breakfast!

Have fun, make a mess, experiment with different ingredients and get the whole family involved! Once set, pop them out and enjoy a quick and healthy treat.

Come on, when they’re this healthy, what’s stopping you?!

We Might Be Tiny

A taste of our cool icy pole recipes

Yogurt Tutti Frutti Icy Pole
Strawberry Cheesecake Icy Pole Recipe
Walnut, Banana and Honeycomb Popsicle Recipe
Strawberry Cheesecake Popsicle Recipe